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Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Sunday, June 27

Don't miss this opportunity  to see the two moons in our Galaxy

Two moons on 27th August 2010

27th Aug the Whole World is waiting for............. 
Planet Mars will be the brightest in the night sky starting August. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. This will cultivate on Aug. 27 when Mars comes within 34.65M miles off earth. Be sure to watch the sky on Aug. 27 12:30 am. It will look like the earth has 2 moons.

The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. 
Share this with your friends as
NO ONE ALIVE TODAY will ever see it again.

Saturday, June 26

This is an article published in Kannada Daily Newspaper “Vijay Karnataka” by its editorVishweshwar Bhat ji on June 3rd in Kannada language.

Article link –

This is translated to English by one of our RSS orkut community Senior member Mohan Chitale ji…It’s a worth reading article….Pls read to it….more and more realted to us....

Dhanyawad Mohanji for doing excellent translation…

Pls forward this mail to all…..


A new group of people have a group and they have named this group as “INTERNET HINDUS”, Oh don’t get Panic they wont possess Trishul, or they apply Tilak on their forehead and wrap saffron shawl on their shoulders. Their language does not match with those so called fundamentalist or Hindu radical leaders, They don’t believe nor support the idea of Hindu Rashtra, even having said this  still big Media Houses and so called elite journalist have developed a sense of fear of this group, and they have started opposing this group of Internet Hindus.


This phenomenon of Internet Hindu has cropped up through various social sites on Internet like Twitter, Face book, Orkut, blogs, chatrooms. The day star studded media personality and political editor of famous news channel of India CNN/IBN Political editor Sagarika Ghosh who described these Netizens as group of fundamentalist Internet Hindus and further she made a statement stating she will try to block this internet Hindus. From that movement the Terminology INTERNET HINDU came into existence.

            Basically Internet Hindu is not a particular Website but it is the group of people who feel proud to be called as Hindus, and these people don’t hide their Identity. They express their viewpoints on various websites and social sites like Face book, Youtube, Orkut etc., these netizens holds maximum share in internet and they are a undoubtedly educated people. Hence before these internet Hindu formed this group we used to have one sided communication that of T.V. channels (specially News Channels) But now with induction of internet Hindus the situation has immensely changed and hence the media fraternity had a big task ahead of them, how to stop this menace? Hence personality like Sagarika Ghosh described this group has blind folded, radical Hindu fundamentalist, But before coming to conclusion on Sagarika’s statement let us analyze the true facts and some interesting figures regarding these internet Hindus.

This group of internet Hindu, does not believe in regionalism and casteism and this group consists of educated people.

v There is no ambiguity amongst these group to be called as Hindus and they feel pride in calling themselves as Hindus, and they try to  up hold custom and traditions of  Hindu society & further they never claim that the Hindu religious is spotless, and in the mean time give respect to other religion and faith. They never claim that India only belongs to Hindus but they confirm that it is a secular country.

v This group strives hard to get rid of evil rituals of Hindu society & welfare of India is their sole motto.

v This group does not appose modernization and modern culture. They don’t do hue & cry to ban Fashion TV etc, they consider it as a trivial issue, But in the mean time they oppose from bottom of heart the soft corner shown by electronic media for Muslim and Christen fundamentalists. They oppose out of proportionate reporting against Hindus in any violence occurred & defy one sided targeted reporting.

v This internet Hindus oppose tooth & nail in twitter, face book and in orkut the idea of Barkha Dutt that the marriage between Sania & Shoaib will improve the relations between India and Pakistan, and in the same breath they apposed the Hindu fundamentalist who were opposing this marriage with an opinion that it is just a personal issue between two people and it has nothing to do with the politics.

v These netizens oppose including BJP and all political parties for their approach towards minorities for their personal benefit by doing minority appeasement and vote bank politics.


Normally the term Hindu is allergic to most of the media houses specially English media establishments, they always felt Hindus & word Hindu reassembling as fundamentalist, backward and there is a greater sense of displeasure expressed through their writings, and reporting more ever maximum members from media fraternity are either have leftist mentality or they are in the clutches of left wing parties, and which has resulted blockade for Hindus to express their view point, as they were denied the access to media & there they had the great opportunity in the form of internet to put forth their views and ideas about Hinduism and here the calculation of leftist centered media houses went wrong.

Internet Hindus now has started to put counter questions to them over articles and media reporting in twitter, face book, orkut and in U-Tube.


As expressed above with leftist inclined media which though they have sole right to express and telecast the news which they thought it as  their birth right and no body else will question them suddenly had to face these netizens who started defying the false version, away frown truth media reporting through counter articles there these media personalities started making blame game on these Hindu internet people as Hindu fundamentalists. Hindu Taliban’s, Hindu terrorists etc., further they also tried to crack the moral of these internet Hindus as they will not put any effect on society but Kanchan Gupta in an article ruled out that the morale of these groups is so high that, they it can not be dented.

Sooner any news channel start telecasting the report of any communal violence erupted in the country, with one-sided story, these netizens immediately start reporting factual matter of the case as the news channel is wrong, as I am the witness to that incidence and the story is different & hence the report telecasted in the TV as away from truth. For eg MIRAJ Ganesh puja violence or latest BAIRELY INCIDENCE.

Here became the problem for these news channels and print media as there mere integrity was at stake and they had fear of losing TRP due to false reporting, for this very reason Internet Hindu became their enemy No-1. !!!!


This group of people called Internet Hindu conducted a survey amongst them selves to find out certain facts and figures. Following is the result of that survey.

v Whopping 88.9% agreed that without any ambiguity and problem they feel proved to be called as internet Hindu.

v Out of which 4% were less than 20 years 55% were of or less than 30 years 40% were of or less than 40 years of age and mere 10% were either 40 years of more than 40 years of age, It clearly indicates that this group can be called as Young Indians.

v Further, in the survey report, the education qualification was asked response was 43% were graduates (with majority persons from Doctor, Engineer Fraternity)

v 46% were PG holders namely from MBA CADRE

v 11% were holding PHD Degree.

v And all these people were holding sound economic status.


  • Maximum of these people were BJP haters, and they clearly told that they don’t attach to any political group and it is not necessary to criticize Muslims & Christians to be called as Internet Hindus.

  • As they are intellectuals and society conscious, they are aware of the factual happenings of the nation.

  • When media can support ARUNDHATI ROY on her alleged support to Maoists, and when they publish her articles why not we strive hard to maintain our HINDU IDENTITY 

When left inclined media fraternity from day one has crushed the HINDU sentiments ,with resurgence of INTERNET HINDU, THE RULES OF THE GAME HAS CHANGED is the version of these netizens.

To conclude we can not now neglect these netizens , as they have formed their own pressure group , in the society .
Interaction with SarsanghChalak Param Pujaneeya Sri Mohanji Bhagawat 
30/05/2010 11:27:59  Courtesy:

15-May-2010 in Chennai.

Questions asked by Sri. Sadagopan (Vijayabharatham) and S. Aravindan Neelakandan (

When you became the Sar Sangha Chalak you visited Dhiksha Bhumi… 

It is only natural thing. Dr. Ambedkar had visited RSS camp and had appreciated the absence of even trace of caste feelings among Swayam Sevaks. When Dr. Ambedkar converted to Buddhism Guruji remembered what Swami Vivekananda said about the nation needing the intellectual acumen of Sankara and the compassionate heart of Buddha. And it was an RSS man Dattopant Thengadi (the founder of Sangh workers’ union BMS) who was the election agent of Baba Saheb Ambedkar. 

But there are people who see Ambedkar as enemy of Hinduism… 

See…Dr. Ambedkar knew the good intentions of Sangh Hindus. But he also knew that at that time Hindus at large had not had change of heart with respect to Dalits. He knew that though Sangh wanted and would eventually achieve a Hindu society free of casteism, Sangh at that time, had neither the strength nor the authority to bring that change at once. He thought Dalits should not endure injustice till such a change would eventually come. So he converted. But he converted to Buddhism which is rooted in the Indian soil and which he considered as an inalienable part of Hindu culture. He also wanted to make sure that the depressed sections of the society were not lured away by failed alien ideologies like Marxism. In fact Ambedkar told Dattopant Thengadiji that he stands as the bulwark between Dalits and Marxism just as Guruji stands as bulwark between Marxism and non-Dalits. (Of course we consider Guruji not as representing any sectarian section of Hindu society but his heart and vision encompassed entire Hindu society including Dalits and non-Dalits.) 

India Today reported that you eulogize Gandhiji in your addresses. 

Oh…That should not be a surprise. Surely I did not discover Gandhiji in Sangh. Guruji has a whole lecture praising Mahatma. And the name of Mahatma Gandhi has entered the morning prayer of RSS long before I even became Prantha Pracharak. Gandhian vision of village development, Swadeshi, cow protection etc is harmonious with Sangh vision and mission. So if anyone is surprised because I mentioned Mahatma that surprise shows their ignorance of Sangh philosophy and history. 

There are people who pit Ambedkar against Gandhi. How do you reconcile both? 

All great leaders might have differences. But all of them valued society’s welfare and nation’s welfare. If we approach them in the same spirit, we can find harmonizing elements in them and learn from them in our own service to nation building. That has always been the approach of Sangh. 

In Tamil Nadu there has been a strong movement to wean away Dalits from the national mainstream and Hindu culture. Does Sangh have any programme to counter this? 

From the time of Meenakshipuram conversion, Sangh has paid special attention to Dalit problems in Tamil Nadu. There are many villages where untouchability has disappeared after Shakas appeared. In fact two villages which have been awarded Tamil Nadu government award for eradication of caste discrimination, are villages where Swayamsevaks have brought social harmony. In places where Dalits and non-Dalits have clashed Swayam Sevaks have been invited by both as peace makers. In Kerala also Sangh has worked dynamically for Dalit emancipation for example even at the famous Guruvayoor temple. Sangh has a clear vision that at every village access to water resources, living space, places of worship, hygienic conditions and cremation grounds should be common for all Hindus. In fact the numerical strength of Sangh activity and the disappearance of caste discrimination are directly proportional. 

You have always stressed about Hindu-ness. Whom do you define as Hindus? Are religious minorities Hindus or non-Hindus? 

All Indians who consider this land as their ancestral and sacred land are Hindus irrespective of their ways of worship. All Indians who follow the Dharmic values and Samskrti which this land has cherished are Hindus. Those who have alienated themselves as religious minorities should realize this truth for this is the truth about their own true self-identity. They are not the descendants of Babur or David but they are the descendants of Rama and Krishna and Bharatha. All those who fulfill these three conditions together are Hindus in Rashtreeya sense. 

Women dressing her child
as Krishna on Janmashtami, Hyderabad.

What is Sangh view on environmental problems and sustainable development particularly in the light of threats like Global warming? 

Our the Dharmic values and Samskrti as well as our way of life are always eco-friendly. We venerate nature. For us all nature is imbued with Divinity. Cow protection has been part of it. An enlightened environmental policy has to be scientific. For that we need models based on experiments. Sangh and Sangh-related organizations are conducting such experiments throughout India. Also we should remember that a nation like Bharath has diverse eco-zones and we cannot have a single model and the regional environmental models have to be based on localized experiments. As I said there are many experiments like for example at Chitrakoot and in many villages in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala. They will give us inputs to develop localized models for environmental policies which in turn will help us develop frame an enlightened and scientific policy for environmental problems and sustainable development. 
With respect to science and spirituality India has an unique position among world civilizations.

What is Sangh view with respect to science, Indian culture and world future? 

For Hindus Science and Spirituality are not opposed. They are two sides of the same coin. Upanishad says that those who pursue only physical sciences (without the knowledge of inner sciences) fall into darkness. But those who pursue only inner sciences ignoring physical sciences fall into even greater darkness. For those who seek only liberation (Moksha) and not Artha (Economic welfare) and Kama (worldly pleasures) perhaps inner sciences alone may suffice. But for those who live in society, for them also Moksha is the goal but they also seek Artha and gratify Kama and in doing this the regulating principle is Dharma. This integral approach to life has made Hindu society approach science and technology in a holistic manner. In fact Dharmic values and Samskrti of Hindus never had problems with science (unlike the western society). However this is the theory. This is the principle that we have in our Sastras. The world will have to accept this approach to life. But that will happen and that can happen only when we produce large number of scientists who shall contribute to the improvement of welfare of humanity. World will listen only to those who have strength. So Hindus have to become strong if Mother Bharathi’s voice has to be respected and if Her vision has to be accepted by the world community. Working towards that is the duty of every one of us.

sharm hamen aati nahin , hum kya kare
kutte,billi par atka hai media, hum kya kare
patrakar kahete hai jo khud ko unka bhi hum kya kare
dono haatho se bana rahe hain paise, is desh ka hum kya kare.

Zara sochiye,,,,,, aakhir kya ho raha hai.....

I wish this mail reaches right ppl, today itself. 
Please take this as high priority to frwd.





Hosting Pakistani Flag and burning Indian Flag


A Kashmiri separatist leader burning the Indian Flag

Indian Flag 
Burnt in Srinagar
Shame on 
Indian govtand Mediaalso for not making it Breaking News

The only country of the world, where one can dare to burn the national flag..

All these become the masala breaking news of Indian news channels:

*       If Tendulkar cuts the cake which is made to look like national flag, he is condemned.
*       If Mandira Bedi wears a saree with the flags of all the countries being portrayed on that, is made to apologies.
*       If one cop in Kolkata and one in Bangalore is terminated of his duties for throwing the Indian national flag on ground, by mistake.

Then why double standards:

*       During the ongoing Amarnath Sangarsh, Jammuites holding the Indian National Flag and chanting 'Bharat Mata ki Jai' are open fired by the J&K Police on orders from the  Police Commissioner(belongs to kashmir). Peaceful protesters are killed.

*       Like in case of Amarnath case, people in Kashmir when want to get some demand fulfilled, protest by burning Indian national Flag, hosting Pakistani Flag and chanting 'Hindustan Murdabad, Pakistan Jindabad'. But no body condemns. Infact, all such protest are followed by a team of union ministers visiting Kashmir and immediately sanctioning a few thousand crore rupees for Kashmiris.

*       Every year on 14th Aug (Pakistani Indipendence Day), Pakistani flag is hosted every where in Kashmir , including the govt. buildings and on 15th Aug, same people burn the Indian flag.

This only happens in India !!!!

just see d pictures above

eally shame on indian media

who never showsthese  pics........

shame shame shame
! If  These Are Breaking News.....

Forward this mail to many………..if u r the true INDIAN…

Time has come to do something for the NATION.
Time has come to fight against Terror, Corruption, Injustice.
Time has come to fight for the Truth & Rights.
Time has come to destroy Evil & save INDIA .
Time has come to VOTE.
Time has come to Choose Right Candidate.

    Jaago Re...... Ab to Jaago...!!! Agar Aap Soyenge toh Desh Kaise Jagega....???






Posted: 27 May 2010 10:37 AM PDT
After opposing the caste based census, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) now wants citizens to voluntarily register Sanskrit as their second language in the census.

The RSS feels that if people register the language, the final census data would reflect higher literacy of Sanskrit, which will force the government to take measures to preserve the language.
“According to the last census, only 14,135 people knew Sanskrit and the language ranked 118 among all Indian languages. The result was that the government listed Sanskrit as an in-danger language like Arabi and Pharsi,” said Shirish Deopujari, an official of Sanskrit Bharati, a wing of the RSS.
Deopujari added that knowing Sanskrit would help people understand the scientific and economic theories written in Sanskrit during ancient times.
“Today, all the science we learn is developed by the western countries. India has its own scientific and economic theories written in Sanskrit. We are not aware of the rich knowledge we possess. If we want to be a developed nation, we should follow our own model and for that, the knowledge of Sanskrit is essential,” he said.

Emphasising the importance of the language, Deopujari said that whoever speaks an Indian language knows at least 50 per cent Sanskrit words as Sanskrit is the mother of most languages
Posted: 27 May 2010 10:32 AM PDT

The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) Kerala chapter has launched Shivaji Hindu Helpline to offer assistance to the Hindus in distress including the girls who fall victims in the trap being laid by the 'love jihadis'.

The helpline, set up at the Hindu Cultural Centre at the Paavakkulam Temple complex at Kaloor in Ernakulam, has been receiving large number of distress calls. Though, the helpline will provide assistance such as legal and medical help to the Hindus, it is also meant to receive information on terrorist activities, cow slaughter etc. Cibin, helpline coordinator, said that the helpline no: 9497545511 had received around 8,000 calls so far. A diary has been maintained to keep all the information regarding the callers.

Parents, friends and the victims themselves are calling the helpline seeking assistance. Till now, around 750 cases have been reported to the police.

Of this, 366 girls from various communities have been rescued from the 'trap', with the initiative of the VHP and Bajrang Dal workers. 72 Nair, 33 Ezhava, 14 Christians and 90 Brahmin girls were among the rescued. 113 girls were rescued directly by the VHP and the Bajrang Dal workers, he said.

VHP state secretary Kalady Manikantan told Express that many girls would get converted after being selectively employed in shops run by the Muslims. The modus operandi is to persuade the Hindu and Christian girls by offering them job security, promotion and salary hike, he said.

Last week, the VHP and the Bajrang Dal workers had laid siege to a shop at the Attukal Shopping Complex here for sending a girl to Kozhikode for converting her to Islam. Following her mother's complaint to the City Police commissioner, the police had traced her to Mukhadar in Kozhikode. But they could not bring back the girl as she refused to go with the police, he said.

A VHP functionary in the capital city said that an NRI, hailing from Sasthamangalam, had complained that his daughter, who was a student of the Presentation High School, Kozhikode, had fallen into the trap of the love jihadis. Now, she is being given 'counselling' as she was saying that her father was worshiping satan.

A counselling centre has also been opened in Kochi. A website 'kerala' will be launched soon offering assistance to the needy. Modelled on the Kerala initiative, 'All India Hindu Helpline' will be launched in Pune soon on the direction of VHP international secretary general Dr Praveen Bhai Togadia, Manikantan said.

Posted: 27 May 2010 10:28 AM PDT
25 doctorates among 881 Swayamsevaks at RSS training camp

Nagpur: There are 25 doctorate holders among the 881 'Swayamsevaks' attending the month-long third year officers training camp (OTC) of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) here.
Speaking to reporters, RSS Akhil Bharatiya Bauddhik Pramukh, V Bhagaiyya said the trainees included 203 post-graduates, 412 graduates, 105 undergraduates, 128 who had completing their schooling and eight were in school. Age-wise, the highest number, 242 are from the 21-25 age group, while 160 are from the 36-40 group, 170 from the 31-25 group, 234 from the 26-30 group and 75 from the 18-20 group.
Of those attending, 563 are employed, 188 are students, 140 are full-time workers, Bhagaiyya said. Among those employed, 172 are teachers, six are doctors, six engineers, 23 lawyers, 77 farmers, four journalists, one chartered accountant, two from other professions, while 132 were self-employed, he said.
The 881 trainees are from various states of the country and speak 19 different mother-tongues, he added.
Volunteers of the camp undergo three phases, or 'years,' of training. The first year and second year training camps are held all over the country, but the third year training is imparted only at Nagpur, the headquarters of the organisation.

19th January 1990.

Kashmir was breathing still... Kashmiri Pandits lay hidden like frightened pigeons in their own nest. Today on behalf of my fellow brothers and sisters, I wish to revisit the pain of my separation from my own home 20 years ago, when the cruel hands of Allah-Wallahs butchered members of my community for being idol worshipers, for rejecting the call for unholy Jihad and for siding with their own nation India!!!

 The Islamic murderers played dire warnings from their Mosques which pierced each nerve of anybody who held a Hindu name. As the sun turned pale, exhortations became louder, and three taped slogans repeatedly played their terror:
 'Kashmir mei agar rehna hai, Allah-O-Akbar kehna hai' (If you want to stay in Kashmir, you have to say Allah is great);

'Yahan kya chalega, Nizam-e-Mustafa' (What do we want here? Rule of Shariah); 

'Asi gachchi Pakistan, Batao roas te Batanev san' 
(We want Pakistan along with Hindu women but without their men).

The roots of this unparalleled tragedy are immersed in 1986 with a well-planned strategy to execute Hindus from the valley. By 1990, the population saw their age old temples turned to ruins and lives at risk. As Pakistan stepped up their campaign against India, new Islamic terror outfits suddenly mushroomed in the state. As Jamait-e-Islami financed all madarasas to poison them against the minority Hindus and India, Pakistan further dictated youth to launch Jihad against India. A terror strike so meticulously planned that its unprecedented display was terrifying. As camps in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) began to provide training to innumerable Muslim men, India witnessed the emergence of the bloodiest Kalashnikov culture in the valley. The victims- innocent and non-violent minority- the Kashmiri Pandits.

When Farooq Abdullah(the then CM) escaped underground, Jagmohan took reigns as the governor of the state. Though not very competent to handle an already ruined socio-political situation, he as a mark of remarkable leadership helped Kashmiri Pandits receive safe shelter. Jagmohan charted out an exceptional strategy to counter Islamic fanatics and also opened his Durbar (Office) to public irrespective of time. He visited families of the martyred Hindus. About one such meeting with the family of Satish Tickoo, murdered by communal JKLF goon Bitta Karate , he wrote an outstanding excerpt in his book, ‘My Frozen Turbulence in Kashmir’
“In Habba-Kadal, except for the long row of our vehicles, nothing was seen on the streets. The afternoon rain appeared to have soaked the houses with depression. The few windows that were open were without even the usual dim light. The dark clouds overhead completed the picture of gloom… The house of Tickoo was like a shattered nest. Everything lay scattered. The grim atmosphere around told the tale more vividly...”

He further wrote, “As I was about to leave, Satish’s uncle who was a bit vociferous and assertive, insisted that I should go upstairs and see the family deity. I agreed. A calm majestic figure was soon visible. It looked so imposing even in the darkness… With tears in their eyes, the family members thanked me and the accompanying officers. We were all moved over the sad plight of the family”.

However one excerpt that mirrored my anxiety of 20 years was composed in words by Jagmohan, “Looking at the compact and enmeshed houses, and the by-lanes which acted like fine threads of a well-knit fabric, I wondered how these families, who had all their Gods and Goddesses here, and had deep roots in the soil, could leave and settle in distant and unfamiliar lands. Sometimes life is unaccountably cruel. And we human beings have, perhaps, no option but to suffer – suffer in silence, or wail”.

Satish Tickoo was not the lone martyr who fell to the bullets of so-called revolutionaries. Tika lal Taploo, Nilkanth Ganjoo, Sarla Bhat, and countless others followed the target list of JKLF and other Islamic Terror outfits backed by Pakistan financially, psychologically and politically. An absent government, collapsed administration, and a petrified community saw despondency set in. As the moonlight of January 19, 1990 wore itself out, despondency gave way to desperation. Tens of thousands of Kashmiri Pandits across the valley decided to take an agonizing decision, to flee their homeland and save their lives and religion from rabid Jihadis…

..Thus took place a 20th century Exodus.

Pandits left the valley, with an approximate statistics of more than three lakh and fifty thousand. Almost a thousand Pandit men, women and children were slaughtered to death in 1990 alone by these revolutionaries of Islam. Surprisingly on paper, official figures clogged at only 209 killed! Alas! Soon the J&K government shall disown the whole Pandit community as aborigines of Kashmir.

In this 20th year, a few hundred frightened Pandits still live scattered across the valley in far flung areas hoping against hope for peace and their brethren to step on the snow once again.

This 20th year embarks upon a history of bullets to makeshift camps in Jammu with torturous summer heat to snake and scorpion bites and finally dreadful diseases. Seven camps in Jammu are an uninhabitable asylum for around 50,000 Kashmiri Pandits. The only perceptible change is an upgradation of some to permanent structures.

My heart bleeds when I watch communal turned pseudo-secular Kashmiri separatists grab the headlines while the plight of the Pandits remains a non-issue. It isn’t the so-called Azaadi that the people of Kashmir desire. They long for an immediate crackdown on terrorists, an end to the separatist elements and those unbearable puppets in the Valley- all for normalcy to return. Though sidelined for now, the political patronage they enjoy could soon take the voices from the Hurriyat and JKLF spreading propaganda of terror and hatred to the frontlines of politics.An entire community uprooted from the land of their ancestors is today struggling for its identity. The weak-kneed Indian state shamelessly panders to Islamic terrorists and separatists who claim they are the final arbiters of Jammu and Kashmir's destiny.

A part of India's cultural heritage is destroyed; a chapter of India's civilization has been erased. And, our jhola-wallah brigade of ‘secular’ activists unabashedly turns their back to the plight of Kashmiri Pandits. To them I believe, ‘Hindu sorrow, inflicted by Islamic terror’ is a truth perhaps too harsh to accept. Thereby hangs a tragic tale that is completely wiped out from public memory.

I am reminded of a stanza by a Jewish poet: ‘...without identity in a street nameless to me, I am a stranger: I am longings, I am fears. I am child longing to belong to his lost childhood and not be outside the present, always withdrawn, apart...’

I’m as old as the terrorism in the Valley. In these 20years, the only time I felt the breeze of my land was through the closed windows of my airplane. She beckons me and I am too desperate now to grab its serene quilt. My mother nature has summoned me, and I shall answer her call soon, very soon.

Till then, in this 20th year of exile like the unanswered questions of our human rights …my struggle for existence also continues.

The author Aditya Raj Kaul is an activist based in New Delhi. He studies Political Science at the Delhi University.He can be reached at

With Regards,
Rohini Narahari
||Vande Mataram||
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