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Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Thursday, May 26

LOL Laugh Out Louder

Laugh your way



rohini hrn to bcc: me
show details 4:12 PM (22 hours ago)





With Regards,



Sunday, May 22

Have you ever seen a photo move? Artists develop amazing cinemagraphs that take 'stills' to the next level By Daniel Bates Last updated at 7:27 PM on 26th April 2011

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Have you ever seen a photo move? Artists develop amazing cinemagraphs that take 'stills' to the next level

By Daniel Bates
Last updated at 7:27 PM on 26th April 2011

It is, in their own words, ‘something more than a photo but less than a video’.
Two artists have created a new way to to record your special moments - pictures with movement.
The ‘cinemagraphs’ look like still photos but actually feature a subtle area of movement designed to grab your eye and keep you looking. The effect is slightly eerie - but utterly captivating.
Hair-raising: Cinemagraphs may look like stills, but they feature a subtle area of movement designed to grab your eye. These animated photos are the work of Jamie Beck (pictured) and her fellow artist Kevin Burg
Turning a page: The cinemagraphs work by using GIFs, a type of picture format similar to a JPEG which has been around since the invention of home computers but has come into its own with broadband internet

In one shot of a crowded square, bodies are frozen in time, but one man quietly turns the pages of his newspaper.
Another photo of a restaurant terrace is brought to life by the reflection of a taxi going past in the window.
And a picture of photographer Jamie Beck, one of the two behind the project, leaps off the screen when her hair starts to blow in a breeze.
Miss Beck has worked with motion graphics artist Kevin Burg to make the cinemagraphs by using GIFs, a type of picture format similar to a JPEG which has been around since the invention of home computers.
Only now with broadband internet are they bringing it to life with a startling effect.
‘Our cinemagraphs are a way of adding motion to a still image,’ Miss Beck said.

Not as simple as they look: The more complex animated photos take the artists an entire day to pull together

In most cases she shoots the photos and Mr Burg adds on motion-graphics over several hours of painstaking editing.
The more complex ones take an entire day to pull together.
New York-based Miss Beck told The Atlantic magazine: ‘There's something magical about a still photograph - a captured moment in time - that can simultaneously exist outside the fraction of a second the shutter captures.
‘We feel there are many exciting applications for this type of moving image.
‘There's movement in everything and by capturing that plus the great things about a still photograph you get to experience what a video has to offer without the time commitment a video requires.’
She added that sharing websites such as Tumblr have been essential for helping them publish their work and getting them an audience.

Eerie effect: Cinemagraphs are calming to watch as only one area moves - and they are silent

The world's biggest family

Very very very very interesting!!!

The world's biggest family: The man with 39 wives, 94 children,                                        

14 daughter-in-laws and 34 grandchildren = 181 Family members

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 9:39 PM on 19th February 2011
He is head of the world's biggest family - and says he is 'blessed'  to have his 39 wives.
They live in a 100-room, four storey house set amidst the hills of Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram, where the wives sleep in giant communal dormitories.
The full monty: The Ziona family in its
                            entirety with all 181 members
The full monty: The Ziona family in its entirety with all 181 members
You treat this place like a hotel: With
                            100 rooms the Ziona mansion is the biggest
                            concrete structure in the hilly village of
You treat this place like a hotel: With 100 rooms the Ziona mansion is the biggest concrete structure in the hilly village of Baktawng
Mr Chana told the Sun: 'Today I feel like God's special child. He's given me so many people to look after.
'I consider myself a lucky man to be the husband of 39 women and head of the world's largest family.'
The family is organised with almost military discipline, with the oldest wife Zathiangi organising her fellow partners to perform household chores such as cleaning, washing and preparing meals. 
Coincidentally, Mr Chana is also head of a sect that allows members to take as many wives as he wants.
Feeling peckish? The senior ladies of
                            the Chana family show what it takes just to
                            make a meal
Feeling peckish? The senior ladies of the Chana family show what it takes just to make a meal
The wives and I: Mr Ziona Chana poses
                            with his 39 wives at their home in
                            Baktawang, Mizoram, India
The wives and I: Mr Ziona Chana poses with his 39 wives at their home in Baktawang, Mizoram, India
Rinkmini, one of Mr Chana's wives who is 35 years old, said: 'We stay around him as he is the most important person in the house. He is the most handsome person in the village.
She says Mr Chana noticed her on a morning walk in the village 18 years ago and wrote her a letter asking for her hand in marriage.
Shared bedroom: A look inside the
                            four-storey mansion, Chhuanthar Run - The
                            House of the New Generation
Shared bedroom: A look inside the four-storey mansion, Chhuanthar Run - The House of the New Generation
Another of his wives, Huntharnghanki, said the entire family gets along well. The family system is reportedly based on 'mutual love and respect'
And Mr Chana, whose religious sect has 4,000 members, says he has not stopped looking for new wives.
'To expand my sect, I am willing to go even to the U.S. to marry,' he said.
One of his sons insisted that Mr Chana, whose grandfather also had many wives, marries the poor women from the village so he can look after them.

Thursday, May 19





























