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Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Saturday, June 26

Students Essay competition for World Assn. for Vedic Studies: "Was Ancient India really scientifically challenged?"
World Association for Vedic Studies (WAVES), Inc.
(A Multidisciplinary Academic Society - Tax Exempt in USA)
In Collaboration with Center for Indic Studies, UMass Dartmouth, USA 
Invites original Essays for ESSAY-WRITING COMPETITION on
Topic: "Was Ancient India really scientifically challenged?"
(Word Limit: - 2500-3000)
as part of
Eighth International Conference on
“Vedic knowledge for Civilizational Harmony” 
August 4-7, 2010
University of West Indies, St Augustine Campus, Trinidad and Tobago 
Eligibility: Students from High School to Post Graduate levels
Note on Essay Topic: The common belief among western scholars today is that other than brief stints by Ancient Greeks and Egyptians, Europe (after the enlightenment period) was the only source of scientific development for the world. Though this has been the traditional belief, facts are now emerging about Ancient India's great achievements in the fields of Astronomy, Mathematics, Irrigation, Architecture, Town Planning, Medicine and other areas.
The essay must focus on areas that are verifiable or relatively easy to claim. Areas like those in science that just occupy a mention in Ancient texts like 'missile technology’ in the Mahabharata' , but are hard to verify should not be the highlight of any submission.
1} All essays must be typed in double spacing. Font size 12 – Times New Roman
3} Writers/participant s can be up to 27 years of age
4} Marks will be awarded for originality, content, layout and presentation.
4} The closing date for submission is June 30, 2010……No late entries accepted.
5} One entry per participant is permitted
6} Essays or questions prior to Essay submission can be emailed directly to:
      Amitabh Sharma, <aaam@bellsouth. net>
7} Results may be available at least two weeks prior to the conference.
8} The winner may present the essay at the conference or alternately it may be published in the souvenir covering the event. Winner also gets a $1000 cash prize + commendation certificate.  
If 2 entries are found equally good in each category- High School and College- then two awards of $500 each would be given (discretion of Board of Directors- WAVES)
kalyan97@gmail. com

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