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Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Saturday, December 11

10 Top Extraordinary People in the World

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Clepotra was born October 6, 2002 in Chisinau , Moldova and is the daughter of Moldovan-Romanian singer, Pavel Stratan . She is the youngest person ever to score commercial success as a singer, with her 2006 album La vrsta de trei ani (At the age of 3″). She holds the record for being the youngest artist that performed live for two hours in front of a large audience, the highest paid young artist, the youngest artist to receive an MTV award and the youngest artist to score a #1 hit in a country (Ghita in Romanian Singles Chart).

5. Aelita Andre : The 2-year-old artist who showed her paintings in a famous Gallery
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 The abstract paintings of emerging artist Aelita Andre have people in Australia s art world talking. Aelita is two (the works were painted when she was even younger)..
 Aelita got an opportunity to show her paintings when Mark Jamieson , the director of Brunswick Street Gallery in Melbourne s Fitzroy, was asked by a photographer whose work he represented to consider the work of another artist. Jamieson liked what he saw and agreed to include it in a group show.
 Jamieson then started to promote the show, printing glossy invitations and placing ads in the magazines Art Almanac and Art Collector , featuring the abstract work. Only then did he discover a crucial fact about the new artist: Aelita Andre is Kalashnikovas daughter, and was just 22 months old. Jamieson was shocked and embarrassed but decided to proceed with the exhibition anyways.


6. Saul Aaron Kripke : Invited to apply for a teaching post at Harvard while still in high school


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