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Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Friday, April 15

100 Years of Earthquakes

100 Years of Earthquakes
Japan's earthquake shook the entire world. We talked about it here. Photographs of the earth and air.
Summary of the Geological Society of London of the most powerful earthquake in the last 100 years. In order to understand the power of aftershocks - a little help.
What is the magnitude of 1. If it is very rude - imagine that you have jumped to the floor apartments with closet. Your neighbors will feel virtually no vibration. Earthquake at 2 points almost palpable. The increase in magnitude at 1.0 corresponds to an increase in amplitude in 10-fold increase in energy is about 32 times. In Japan it was 9.1.

1. April 18, 1906, San Francisco.
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At 5:12 am in San Francisco there was a major earthquake, whose magnitude was 7.8 on the Richter scale. Tremors were felt even in the middle of Nevada, located deep in the continent. As a result of the disaster, almost 80% of the buildings in the city of San Francisco was destroyed, their homes were 300 000, 3000 - died.

2. December 28, 1908, Messina, Italy.
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Epicenter of the earthquake with magnitude 7.5 points located in the strait between Sicily and the peninsula. As a result of this earthquake, which is considered the most powerful European earthquake, were almost completely destroyed the city of Messina and Reggio Calabria. In Messina lost almost half of the residents. The total number of victims is estimated at 70 -100 000 people (some sources name the figure to 200 thousand).

3. September 1, 1923, Tokyo-Yokohama, Japan.
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This earthquake of magnitude 8.3 points still called the Great Kanto earthquake, as the Japanese Kanto province most affected by the strike element. For two days there was 356 aftershocks, and the height of the tsunami in Sagami Bay has reached 12 meters. The death toll in the disaster is estimated at 142,800 people.

4. Quetta, Pakistan, in 1936.
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The earthquake completely destroyed the city's infrastructure, the death toll to nearly 40,000 people, with damage estimated at U.S. $ 25 million.

5. Concepcion, Chile, 1939.
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Magnitude quake was 8.3 points. Killed 28 000 people, the damage amounted to nearly $ 100 million.

6. December 26, 1939 Erzincan, Turkey.
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The city routinely had to endure the powerful earthquake. In 1939, the element has claimed the lives of 36 to 39 thousand people.

7. February 29, 1960, Agadir, Morocco.
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An earthquake measuring 5.9 points only lasted 15 seconds, but the death toll was 15,000 people, injured 12,000, 35,000 were left homeless.

8. Chimbote, Peru, 1970.
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An earthquake measuring 7.7 points seriously damaged the fishing industry enterprises, which caused unemployment and impoverishment of the population for several years. At the time of the earthquake killed 67,000 people, with damage estimated at $ 550 million.

9. July 27, 1976, Tien Shan, China.
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This earthquake of magnitude 8.2 in the score is considered one of the largest by number of victims in the history of observations. Then the element has claimed more than 650,000 lives.

10. February 4, 1976, Guatemala.
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The earthquake of magnitude 7.5 stars died more than 22 thousand people, and 70,000 were injured. Damage estimated at 1.1 billion dollars.

11. September 19, 1985 Mexico City, Mexico.
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This earthquake of magnitude 8.1 score is considered one of the most devastating earthquakes of America. The number of dead was then 9,000 people and injured were 30,000 and 100,000 were left homeless.

12. December 7, 1988, Spitak, Armenia.
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Magnitude of a catastrophic Spitak earthquake was 7.2 magnitude. The city of Spitak and 58 villages were completely destroyed. The number of dead reached 25 thousand and 514 thousand were left homeless. Damage was estimated at 14 billion dollars.

13. October 17, 1989, San Francisco, California, USA.
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Earthquake, magnitude of which was 7.1 magnitude, occurred just before the baseball game "World Series", so in the U.S., this earthquake is also called the "earthquake World Series." In comparison with other earthquake victims was not much: 68 people. Tremors were completely destroyed by a network of roads, and the overall material damage estimated at $ 6 billion.

14. January 17, 1995, earthquake in Kobe - one of the largest in Japan.
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Magnitude quake was 7.3 points. Killed 6,434 people, damage totaled $ 200 million.

15. August 17, 1999, Izmit earthquake in Turkey.
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Magnitude 7.6 points, the number of victims amounted to 17,217 people, more than 43 thousand were injured. The earthquake triggered a fire at the refinery on fire which took several days. The total damage amounted to $ 25 billion.

16. December 26, 2004, earthquake in the Indian Ocean.
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The magnitude was 9.1 points. The earthquake occurred most deadly tsunamis in modern history, killing nearly 300 000 people. The horrific earthquake changed the Earth's rotation rate, because of what knocks have become shorter in 2.68 microseconds.

17. May 12, 2008, Sichuan earthquake, China.
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Magnitude was 8 points. Echoes of this earthquake were felt even in Russia. The number of dead reached 68 thousand people, the damage - 20 billion dollars.

18. February 27, 2010, Maule Region, Chile.
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Magnitude earthquake in Chile was 8.8 points, the total number of dead had reached almost 800 people. The earthquake occurred tsunami, which reached even to Australia.

19. March 11, 2011, earthquake off the island of Honshu, Japan.
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Magnitude up to 9.1 points - this is the most powerful earthquake in Japan on record. March 14, official sources reported nearly 5000 dead, but this figure is not final.

20. The biggest tsunami.
The highest wave of the tsunami, scientists reported in the Gulf fordoobraznom Lita, located in southeast Alaska.
Natural disaster occurred in the evening July 9, 1958, beginning with the earthquake and landslide at fault Ferueter. It was a landslide caused, which has produced record-breaking wave (524m above sea level). The huge stone mass collapsed into the water from the rocks on the northeast coast of the Gulf. From a height of 910 meters 300 million cubic meters of rock, ice and land have broken down.

Powerful waves move across the bay at a speed of 160km / h. The main blow fell on the southwest coast of the bay Hilbert. Wave was of such magnitude that it is easy to completely perehlestnula a sandbank at the mouth of the bay. La Cosa Gauss, separating the bay from the Gulf of Gilbert, was virtually destroyed by violence of the elements. A huge number of trees wave uprooted and carried away into the ocean. As a result of the disaster in the ground cracks appeared, slipped down the coast, and numerous buildings were destroyed.

Bay Lita was a favorite spot for fishing off the local population. During the accident at the epicenter of the events were three ships. Fishermen felt very strong push that dropped them out of bed, and have witnessed how the giant wave lashed out fiercely at the foot of the mountain.

Witnesses at first thought that they face glacier Lita: a huge boulder, which had seemed strong, was moving toward them. On the space that used to grow lush forests, the wave leaving only bare rock at an altitude of 600m. Wave lifted one of the barges and dumped it into the ocean, playfully moving through the shallows. The vessel was separated into pieces, but luckily he survived and the fishermen were found safe two hours after the accident. Another boat also escaped, but the third drowned - body fishermen have not been found.
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