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Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Wednesday, April 27

figures on India's population
 - total population: 1.06 billion people (mar 2004)
 - daily population increase: about 50,000 people
 - one baby born in India: every 1.25 seconds
 - India's working age population (15-60 years): 610 million (estimate 2003)
 - population dependent on agriculture for livelihood: 65 %
 - population living in approx 600,000 villages countrywide: 722.8 million people [2001]
 - population living in cities: 277.8 million people [2001]
 - population living a significant distance from a road: nearly 40 percent
   [Sahara Time, Mar 2004]
 - population growth per year (1991 - 2001): India: 1.9 % -- Rajasthan: 2.5 %
   -- Kerala: 0.9 %
 - population growth in India within decade 1991-2001: 21.4 % [HT Mar 04]
 - population growth in Kerala within decade 1991-2001: 9.42 % [HT Mar 04]
 - population density in Kerala: 819 people per sq km (3rd highest in India, after
   West Bengal and Bihar) [HT Mar 04]
 - population density in Ladakh: 1.3 people per sq km
 - Delhi population: 1981: 6.2 million -- 2003: 13.5 million
 - population of Bangalore approx 2 decades ago: approx 2 million [BBC, Jan 2006]
 - current population of Bangalore: approx 8 million [BBC, Jan 2006]
 - population of different religions (acc to figures by census commissioner, census
   of 2001):
80.5% Hindu, 13.4% Muslim, 2.3% Christian, 1.9% Sikh, 0.8% Buddhist,
   0.4% Jain, 0.01% Zoroastrian, 1.3% other
 - loss of female births within past 2 decades caused by abortion and sex selection:
   estimate of more than 10 million [BBC, Jan 2006]
 - annual 'girl deficit' due to prenatal sex selection and selective abortion: 500,000
   according to researchers for the Lancet Journal [BBC, Jan 2006]
 - child sex ratio of 0-6 year olds acc to census data 2001 (numbers of females per
   1000 males):
Himachal: 1991:951, 2001: 897 -- Spiti Valley in HP: 2001: 1009 --
   Punjab: 1991: 875, 2001: 793 -- Haryana: 2001: 820 -- Sikkim: 2001: 986

 some statistics on education
 - expenditure on education in 2000-2001: 778.5 billion Rupees,
   equiv. to 4.11 % of the GDP of that year
 - number of universities: 1950-51: 27 -- 2000-01: 254
 - number of colleges: 1950-51: 578 -- 2000-01: over 10,000 (some estimate over 13,000)
 - * number of college graduates per year: 20 lakh (2 million) [BBC Jan 07]
 - number of teachers in higher education: 1961: 62,000 (estimate)
   -- 1997: over 320,000 -- 2003: over 330,000 (estimate)
 - number of students enrolled: 1961:17.9 million -- 1991: 72.4 million
 - average number of students per teacher: 220
 - people partaking of higher education: 1 person out of every 14,000
 - number of pupils at the City Montessori school in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, 2002:
   26,312 pupils (world record) [GBoWR]
 - number of Indians going as students to Britain: 17,000 per year
 - number of Indians going as students to the US: 14,000 per year
  data on agriculture
 - number of cows globally: 1.5 billion [NATURE oct 04]
 - number of cows in India: 200 million [Times of India aug 04]
 - number of buffaloes in India: 90 million [Times of India aug 04]
 - annual number of cattle smuggled from India into Bangladesh: 6 million
 - milk production 2001-2002:
84.6 million tonnes
 - people who are farmers:
almost 550 million [Sahara Time, Mar 04]
 - number of agricultural labourers: about 200 million (many with daily wages
   below 10 Rs per day) [Sahara Time, Mar 04]
 - cultivation which is rain-dependent: nearly 60 percent [Sahara Time, Mar 04]
 - area in which pesticides are used: 1980: 6 million hectare -- 1990: 125 million hectare
 - people in Andhra Pradesh who depend on agriculture: 60 % (of population of
   76 million) [HT May 04]
 - number of farmers in Andhra Pradesh: 12 million [HT May 04]
 - number of small/marginal farmers in Andhra Pradesh who depend on rain for
10 million [HT May 04]
 - number of debt-ridden farmers committing suicide every day in AP: 5-7 [HT May 04]
 - * number of farmer suicides due to bad debt in the Vidarbha region of Maharashtra
   within the past 3 years (2006):
1,500 according to revenue records --
   930 since 2001 according to Maharashtra state Government [DNA Jun 06]
 - interest rates charged by "moneylenders" and local "businessmen" for a small
   agricultural loan:
100 to 450 % [Sahara Time, Mar 04]
 - GDP from agriculture: 24 % of total gross domestic product [BBC Jul 04]
 - government spending for the agricultural sector: 8 percent of the annual budget
   [Sahara Time, Mar 04]
 - total of arable land which is not irrigated: nearly 63 percent [Sahara Time, Mar 04]
 - bank credit allocated for agriculture: 12% of total bank credit in India [Sahara Time,
   Mar 2004]
 - money allocated for various irrigation policies by the government: 620 million Rs
   for the 2003-2004 budget [Sahara Time, Mar 2004]
 - disparity in average income between farmers and non-farmers: 5 times
   (non-farmers earn 5 times more than farmers) [Sahara Time, Mar 2004]
 - production of fruit and vegetables by India: 14% of world wide production [BBC Sep 04]
 - India's export of fruit and vegetables: 1 % of world's fruit/veg exports [BBC Sep 04]
 - India's tea production in 2003: 856 million kg [BBC Sep 04]
 - tea produced in Assam: 55 % of India's total tea production [BBC Sep 04]
 - daily tea production in Assam in high picking season: 2 million kg [BBC Sep 04]
 - decrease of Assam's best quality tea prices within 5 years: 10 % [BBC Sep 04]
 numbers on the Kumbh Mela
 - * size of population in Allahabad: 2 million [BBC Jan 07]
 - * number of visitors to Allahabad during the Maha Kumbh Mela: 1989: 15 million --
   2001: 50-70 million [DI Jan 07]
 - * expected number of visitors to Allahabad during the Ardh Kumbh Mela 2007:
   about 60 million [BBC Jan 07]
 - * area covered by the festival ground in Allahabad: 1,620 hectares (6.2 square
   miles) [BBC Jan 07]
 - * number of tents erected as temporary accommodation on the Kumbh Mela
   ground (2007):
50,000 [BBC Jan 07]
 - * number of temporary toilets on the Kumbh Mela ground in Allahabad (2007):
   25,000 [BBC Jan 07]
 - * number of police patrolling the festival grounds (2007): 20,000 [BBC Jan 07]
 various Delhi statistics
 - * number of weddings in Delhi on the auspicious day of 10 Dec 2006:
   around 36,000 [IND Dec 06]
 - * cost of 2-3 bedroom middle-class luxury apartment in tier II or tier III town:
   around 20 lakh Rs (approx 25,000 GBP); tier II and tier III towns are about
   2-3 hours drive from Delhi, for example Kundli, Sonepat, Panipat in Haryana and
   Rudrapur in Uttaranchal [TH Jan 07]
 - * cost of equivalent apartment in Delhi: 60-70 lakh Rs (approx 75,000 - 87,000 GBP)
   [TH Jan 07]
 - * cost of studio apartments (1 bedroom) in Rishikesh: up to 30-40 lakh Rs
   (37,000 - 50,000 GBP) [TH Jan 07]
 - bottles of beer sold in financial year 2002-2003: 27.5 million
 - Delhi's annual per capita consumption of alcohol: 5.7 litres (compared to
   9.25 litres in the UK, 14.02 litres in France) [HT Jul 04]
 - average age a Delhiite loses his/her virginity (according to a survey 2003): 18 years
 - number of female births per 1000 male births: 1992:862 -- 1994: 840 -- 1995: 744
   -- 1998: 899 -- 2000: 820
 - abandoned babies per year: 2002: 90 (about 60 % female) -- 2000: 100
 - estimated number of cattle / cows on Delhi's streets: 40,000 [NATURE oct 04]
 - number of "cowboys" hired by Delhi municipality to catch stray, free
   roaming cows to be transported to special reserves outside the city perimeter:

   100 [NATURE oct 04]
 - estimated number of stray dogs in Delhi: 200,000
 - estimated number of monkeys in Delhi: 5,000 (with annual growth rate of 20 %)
 - monthly salary of monkey catcher (government rate): 3000 Rupees
 - number of fixed telephone lines in Delhi: 2.3 million (2002 or 2003)
 - number of mobile telephone connections in Delhi: 3.4 million (2002 or 2003)
 - reduction of pollution level in Delhi since 1996: down by up to 73 %
   (base is year with highest pollution levels 1996)
 - number of security personnel deployed Republic Day 2004: 23,000
 - amount of explosives seized by Delhi police in the run-up to Republic day 2004:
   6.5 kg of high explosives, rocket propelled grenade, detonators and timers
 - tube wells running dry in Delhi: about 20 % of the Delhi Jal Board's (water board)
   total of 2,800 tube wells [HT Jun 04]education
  more facts and figures about Delhi in quick reference stats popup
 miscellaneous stats about Indian states or places
 - beef consumption in Kerala: 40 % of meat consumed in the state
 - Haryana cost of buffalo: 18,000 - 24,000 Rupees
 - Haryana cost of girl (human trafficking): 4000 Rupees
 - Uttaranchal hydropower theoretical potential: 20,000 MW
 - Uttaranchal hydropower potential actually used: 8 %
 - number of diesel engine tube wells in Uttar Pradesh: 2.7 million [BBC sep 04]
 - number of electric motor tube wells in Uttar Pradesh: 600,000 [BBC sep 04]
 - installation of solar pumps in Uttar Pradesh in 2003: 109 [BBC sep 04]
 - number of guests invited to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha's foster son's
over 150,000 people at a cost of 2 crore for security, paid by the state [GBoWR]
 - * number of buses owned by APSRTC in 1999: 18,397 (APSRTC = Andhra
   Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation) - a world record [GBoWR]
 - * casualties in 2003 in Andhra Pradesh due to Naxalite insurgency:
   Naxals: 172 -- civilians: 137 -- police: 14
 - * number of personnel (police and para-military forces) involved in anti-Naxalite
   operations in Andhra Pradesh:
 - * number of years with uninterrupted Communist rule in the state of West Bengal:
   27 (since 1977 CPI-M in power) [BBC Oct 04]
 - * number of vehicles on Bangalore's road: 5 million [BBC Jan 07]

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