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Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Pegasus-Thrusting thoughts

Friday, April 29

Safety Guide for Indian Women

Safety Guide for Indian Women

  • Ooze confidence : - its been proved that sexual offenders usually pick on women who don't have assertive body language.
  • Have a crisis buddy : - even the police follow it. This means that policemen always go to the scene of a crime together, so if one gets into trouble, the other can call for help. Safety or crisis buddy doesn't mean a person who always has to walk with you, it can be someone who calls you when you are on your way.
  • Reduce risk : criminals like dark roads and corners because it gives them a chance to disappear. They prefer striking when the risk of their getting traced or caught is less, so it is advised to avoid dark roads.
  • Be aware : it is essential to be aware of where you are. Many women are in la-la mood while walking on the road or driving late at night. Many others listen to music.
  • Party smart : with drugs easily available over the counter. It is easy for mischief. Be careful about your partners, be assertive on self service. Watch your drink if you are out with marginally strangers or half known.
  • Surf cautiously : making friends online is always a risk. There are two ways one can ensure security. Ignore strangers completely and try to have complete private profile. If you are open to making new friends, first check their friends list and see they are normal men.
  • Make a fuss :  while its best to avoid ignoring eve Teasing  initially as nothing spurs a man on more than a reaction from you, if harassment continues, confront the person loudly and immediately.
  • Be a fashion but... : although women can be covered from head -to-toe and still be a target of sexual harassment. Be comfortable with what you wear.
  • Act now : Be aware of things that can be used as weapons of self-defense small safety pin can cause lot of pain. It also helps to carry a deodorant or pepper spray.It is freely available. So get out of tendency or instinct to freeze, while in trouble. Act.
  • Travel safe : with more and more women venturing out 'solo' in India and abroad. Safety must be priority while doing solo act. Wherever you stay just don't stay too late. Be aware of whats happening around. Choose a room close to reception while staying in a hotel. Always keep your phone recharged and batterries charged and make sure someone is expecting you back. Take down the number of the bike or car that you think is following, try to memorize occupants face, if possible. When its real late, call a friend or husband and talk through the journey or parts of it. It feels safe.


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